
Sixteenth PG Course in Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System 2011 - 2012

S.No. Participant Name Country Project Title
1. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Gulla India Determining the Density of Urban Features using POLSAR Data Abstract      Full Text
2. Ms. Rushanka Pramod Amrut India Biophysical Parameter Estimation of Forest using Polarimetric SAR Remote Sensing Abstract      Full Text
3. Ms. Asset Yegizbayeva Kazakhstan Relationship of Carbon Dioxide Flux to Coastal Primary Productivity Abstract      Full Text
4. Ms.Nurgul Aitekeyeva Kazakhstan Determination of Spectral Properties of Aerosols and Black Carbon using Ground Measurements and Satellite Data
Abstract      Full Text
5. Ms. Gasanova Alina Kyrghyzstan Snowmelt Runoff Modeling Bhagirathi
Abstract      Full Text
6. Ms. Gulzana Imashova Kyrghyzstan Site Suitability Analysis for Transmission Tower in Hill areas Using Gei-information Technologies
Abstract      Full Text
7. Mr. CPT Sodnomargchaa Mongolia Geo-spatial Web Based Information System for Flood Hazard Management
Abstract      Full Text
8. Mr. Uuganbayar Tsembel Mongolia Geospatial Database at Cadastral Level
Abstract      Full Text
9. Ms. Khin San Nwe Union of Myanmar Identification of Suitable Sites for Water Harvesting Structures
Abstract      Full Text
10. Ms. Thandar Wint Wint Khaing Union of Myanmar Hydrological Modeling with Special Emphasis to Groundwater
Abstract      Full Text
11. Mr. Bikas Kumar Karna Nepal Integrated Approach for Building Extraction from InSAR and Optical Image using Object Oriented analysis Techniques
Abstract      Full Text
12. Mr. Suraj Kunwar Nepal Site Suitability Analysis for Hydropower Development At pre-feasibility Level using Geo-spatial Inputs
Abstract      Full Text
13. Mr. Aldwin Torres Almo Philippines Impact of Rainfall Variability and LULC Change Induced Sediment and Nutrient flux to Coastal Productivity using RS & GIS
Abstract      Full Text
14. Mr. Justine Jose Polotan de la Cruz Philippines Remote Sensing Application in Coral Reef Mapping, Assessment and Monitoring
Abstract      Full Text
15. Mr. Harsha Ravindra Walpita Sri Lanka Geospatial Approach in Predicating Soil Erosion and Sediment Yeild -A Case Study in Tons Watershed
Abstract      Full Text
16. Mr. Payshanbe Yaftalov Tajikistan Irrigation Water Requirement Estimation in Rice Wheat Cropping System Using Satellite Data
Abstract      Full Text
17. Dr. Zokirkhodzha Soliev Tajikistan Land Quality Assessment for Conservation Planning Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Watershed
Abstract      Full Text
18. Mr. Komsan Kiriwongwattana Thailand Runoff and Soil Erosion Assessment for Watershed Conservation Planning Study Area: ASAN Watershed
Abstract      Full Text
19. Ms. Khwanchanok Ampha Kiriwongwattana Thailand Urbanization Effect on Watershed Hydrology Study Area : Asan River Watershed
Abstract      Full Text
20. Mr. Zaitov Sherzod Shukhratovich Uzbekistan Performance Evaluation of Irrigation Project Using RS & GIS - A Case Study of Upper Ganga Canal Command
Abstract      Full Text
21. Ms. Le Van Anh Viet Nam Extraction and Analysis of Various Indices for Land Degradation Using Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing Data
Abstract      Full Text
22. Mr. Bui Tuan Anh Viet Nam 3D Visualization and Customized Information System with Open Access in ARC Explorer for Part of Ha Noi City, Viet Nam
Abstract      Full Text