Submitted by cssteap_Cms321 on Sat, 10/14/2017 - 13:15 S.No. Participant Name Country Project Title (Click on Title for Details) 1. Mr. Azizur Rahman Bangladesh Validation of TRMM - Meteosat merged daily rainfall over Bangladesh 2. Mr. SM Quamrul Hassan Bangladesh Storm Surge Prediction and Inundation along Bangladesh coast using Satellite data and model 3. Ms. Xlaoying Wang China Analysis of the impact of Land surface reflectance on AOD using TERRA/AQUA MODIS & ground - truth over Ahmedabad 4. Mr. Mata Mahakur India Determination of the height of atmospheric motion vector winds using Geostationary Satellite Images 5. Mr. Dadang Subarna Indonesia Detection and Dynamical modeling of forest fire spread 6. Mr. Nanang Purnadi Indonesia Rainfall climatology over Indonesia using TRMM data 7. Ms. Kussainova Marzhan Kazakhstan Validation & comparison of Level-II MODIS Temperature and Moisture profiles with radiosonde and NCEP analysis over Kazakhstan 8. Ms. Irina Kalyamova Kazakhstan Analysis and verification of T-80 model temperature forecast and NCEP data over Kazakhstan region with MODIS and situ data 9. Ms. Natalya Sergeevna Kim Kyrgyzstan Estimation of global insolation at surface using METEOSAT 1.0 coverage 10. Mr. Yazeed Ahmed Maldives Climatology of sea temperature, surface winds significant wave height and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) using satellite and Island station data over and around Maldives Islands 11. Ms. Sumyasuren Jamiyan Mongolia Large area characterization of Aerosol properties using satellite data 12. Ms. Batoyun Tserenpurev Mongolia Drought assessment over Mongolia using Remote Sensing & Meteorological data 13. Mr. Batbold Altangerel Mongolia Verification of extended range forecast over Mongolia 14. Mr. Rishi Ram Sharma Nepal Impact of MODIS data in Mesoscale models (MM5) to predict Rainfall over Nepal 15. Mr. Noel Sarmiento Pregonero Philippines Oceanic Thermal response to tropical cyclones around the Philippines using data