
Fourth PG Course in Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System 1999 - 2000

S.No. Participant Name Country Project Title (Click on Title for Details)
1. Mr. Shahidul Islam Bangladesh Assessment of Urban Environment, Utilities & Services in Bhubaneswar Municipal Area
2. Mr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Bangladesh Remote Sensing Applications for Lithological mapping and targeting Laterite and Bauxite deposits in Koaput district, Orissa
3. Mr. Sonam Dhargay Bhutan Integrated use of RS/GIS for optimal location of MSW landfills in Bhubaneshwar City, Orissa
4. Mr. Vazir Mohamood India Study of Ground Water Resources using Remote Sensing and GIS specific to Ground water modeling of Visakhapatnam, A.P., India
5. Mr. G. Jai Sankar India Groundwater Targeting and its Pollution Zoning of Msakhapatnam Urban and Industrial Area using Remote Sensing & GIS Technoques
6. Ms. Minakshi Kumar India Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Disposal : A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach.
7. Mr. Ulanbek Turdukulov Kyrgyzstan Soil Erosion Modeling using Remote Sensing and GIS
8. Mrs. Bouakeo Phounsavath Lao PDR Assessment and Monitoring of Diseased Sal Forest in Thano Range
9. Mr. P.K. Bounpheng Lao PDR Urban Sprawl and Land use Change for Bhubaneswar City
10. Mr. Nyamdorj N. Mongolia Drought Monitoring using NOAA AVHARR Data in North Gujarat
11. Mr. Ngwee Thee Myanmar Growing Stock Estimation Using Remote Sensing & GIS
12. Mr. Pramod Krishna Karmacharya Nepal Monitoring Development Plan Implementation of Bhubaneswar City by using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
13. Mr. Elgino V. De Guzman Philippines Forest Cover and Density Mapping using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Barkot Forest Range, Dehradun Forest Division (U.P.)
14. Mr. M. H. Mohamed Rinos Sri Lanka Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Water-shed Prioritization with respect to Soil Erosion Intensity
15. Mr. Chandana Gangodagamage Sri Lanka Hydrological Modeling using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case study of Bata river basin
16. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Diep Vietnam Land use/Land cover Mapping and Identification of Suitable Sites for Futhure Development - Cuttack City
17. Mr. Nguyen Van Hien Vietnam The Application of IRS-1C Streo and IRS-1D Multi-spectral data in Wireless Communication System Design