
Course Content: GNSS

Course Content

SEMESTER I (Duration: 3 months)

Foundation of Course:

Welcome Introduction, Introduction to satellite communication and satellite navigation systems, Engineering Mathematics.

Fundamental of NAVCOM

  • Introduction to SATCOM: Fundamentals of Satellite Orbits, EM Waves, Antenna, Modulation Techniques, Multiple access techniques, Channel coding and Digital Signal Processing.
  • Introduction to SATNAV: GNSS Terminologies, Conventional Navigation Systems, Evolutions of GNSS, Ranging codes, Channel characteristics in Satellite Navigation Systems, Reference Co-ordinate Systems and its transformations

GNSS Signals and Systems:

  • GNSS System Architecture & Signals: Concepts of frequency and time, Basic Attributes of GNSS Signals, Link Budget Analysis, GNSS interoperability, Error Correcting Codes, GNSS Navigation Message Structures, GNSS Signal case studies.
  • Space Segment Elements: Satellite Navigation Constellation, Spacecraft Systems, Features of a navigation satellite, Navigation Payloads, Atomic Clocks, Active and passive Microwave subsystems, Satellite Navigation Antennas, Electrostatic hazards, Orbital perturbations
  • Control Segment Elements: Basic elements of control systems, GNSS Reference Stations, GNSS System/Network Time, Two-way ranging , Time transfer and synchronization, Satellite Orbit Determination, Satellite clock Corrections, Operational Concepts.
  • Advance Topics: LEO navigation constellation, Autonomous Navigation Concept, Future trends related to the overall system architectures.

Navigation Receivers:

Generalized GNSS Receiver Architecture, Characteristics of GNSS Antenna, RF front end, Different Acquisition techniques, GNSS Signal Tracking, Coherent and non-coherent delay lock tracking, Navigation Data Demodulation, Decoding and Processing, Measurement of pseudo range, Receiver Testing, Multipath, Interference, Software Defined Radio, Kalman Filtering.

Position Determination Techniques:

Principle of GNSS Operation, Trilateration Concept, Determination of satellite position and velocity, Code and carrier phase measurement, Position, Velocity and Time determination, Errors in GNSS measurements, Receiver Position Computation with Single Constellation and with Multi-Constellation.


SEMESTER II (Duration: 3 months)

Advanced receivers and Augmented Systems:

Basics of Encryption and use in GNSS, Jamming and Spoofing, Differential GNSS, Real Time Kinematics, Advanced Receivers, Satellite and Ground Based Augmentation Systems, Pseudolite System, GNSS Networks.

GNSS, INS and Integrated Navigation:

Inertial Navigation Systems, Inertial Sensors, functional aspects, GNSS-INS Integration, indoor navigation and Applications of integrated navigation.

GNSS Applications:

Overview and designing of applications, detailed study on Societal, Scientific and strategic Applications and Revenue model for applications.

Space Weather and GNSS:

  • Ionosphere: Definition, structure and dynamics, Estimation and correction s – Dual frequency measurements, Monitoring of Ionosphere by ground and space based measurements, Ionospheric scintillation Ionospheric corrections and threat models. -Space Weather - Overview and elements of space weather (e.g., Sun, Solar activities), Magnetosphere, Thermosphere, Interaction of Solar wind with earth’s magnetosphere and its effects, Geomagnetic storms and sub-storm, Particle trapping and Van Allen Belt.
  • Impact of space weather events on GNSS Satellites: Energetic particles bombardment and interference with solar radio emission.
  • Signals and Receivers: Ionospheric plasma enhancement, plasmaspheric variation, plasma instabilities and irregularity formation and effects on Radio wave propagation like scintillation


Project definition, considering needs of the participant’s country, topic of interest of the participant and Work leading towards the one-year project.